Madagascar 2003

Madagascar Border Map

In 2003, Madagascar was a country of lush rainforests, gorgeous beaches and unique wildlife. The island nation was located off the southeastern coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean. It had a population of around 17 million people, primarily speaking Malagasy, French, and English. According to computergees, the capital city was Antananarivo, which is home to the National Palace and several other important government buildings and monuments. The economy relied heavily on its agricultural sector with rice being the main export item. Tourism was also becoming increasingly popular due to its stunning beaches and unspoiled nature reserves. In addition to its natural beauty, Madagascar had a rich cultural heritage with traditional music, cuisine and art that blended African influences with those from Asia and Europe. Despite its many challenges including poverty and political unrest in 2003, Madagascar remained a vibrant country that held great promise for its future generations.

Yearbook 2003

Madagascar. According to, Madagascar Independence Day is June 26. Madagascar was admitted in July as a member of the African Union (AU). At the organization’s inaugural meeting in 2002, Madagascar was not allowed to participate because the AU did not recognize the government that Marc Ravalomanana had formed. Ravalomanana had declared himself victorious in the presidential elections at the end of 2001, but the result was not approved by the then head of state Didier Ratsiraka. The political stalemate that then arose in 2002 led to a time of armed conflict and to the fact that for a period Madagascar had two governments, two capitals and two armies.

In 2003, Ravalomanana was largely in control of the country, but the situation remained uncertain and its supporters to Ratsiraka continued to offer some resistance to the new state power.

In February, former commander Bruno Rajohnson was arrested and charged with a coup attempt. However, some political appraisers doubted that such a thing had occurred and suspected that the arrest was intended as soon as to intimidate supporters of Ratsiraka to align themselves with the ranks. Ratsiraka was sentenced in August in his absence to ten years of criminal work for embezzlement from the Treasury. He should have spent the equivalent of just over SEK 60 million. out of the country in June 2002, just before he gave up the power struggle and went into exile in France.

Former Prime Minister Tantely Andrianarivo was sentenced in December to 12 years for criminal mischief and abuse of power. He was also sentenced to a fine, but on New Year’s Eve he was granted amnesty and allowed to leave the country in what was described as an attempt to promote reconciliation in the country.

During the autumn a new currency was introduced. The old Malagasy franc was replaced by ariary, the same name as the country’s currency before the colonial era. 1 ariary equals 5 francs.

Madagascar Border Map

Republic of Madagascar Brief Guide

According to AbbreviationFinder, Madagascar (Malagasy Repoblikan’i Madagasikara) is an island nation in the Indian Ocean off the east coast of Africa. Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world.

We stay in safe areas during our trip, but pocket thefts are possible and moving around certain times of the night can be unsafe. However, general caution within common sense is desirable throughout the journey.

Take it with you We recommend that you take with you the things listed below, among other things. Please note that the supply of equipment in the country is not very extensive, so we recommend that you bring everything you need with you.

Binoculars (we recommend each with their own binoculars, note also for couples both their own), Camera accessories and memory cards, spare batteries. Headlamp for night safaris and possible power outages.

It fits comfortably during the day in shorts, T-shirts and hiking sandals or sneakers / hiking boots. Please note that in Madagascar, safaris are mainly done on foot, so the shoes should be suitable for this. Trails may be damp and slippery in places.
In the evenings, the hotels and lodge have a casual safari-themed Dress Style, meaning we recommend long-legged cotton trousers and long-sleeved shirts (also for any mosquitoes). Mornings and evenings may be cool, so a light warm sweater and wind / waterproof jacket are included.

Also included is a small daypack where you can store your personal belongings during day trips. The suitcases are in the trunk of the SUV, so we recommend soft bags. Headgear, sunscreen (high protection factor), wet wipes, hand sanitizer gel, small link knife (observe safety instructions when packing for air travel). Footwear that has been “run in”. If you bring sandals, then we recommend well-fitting thong sandals. Mosquito venom should be brought from Finland, as well as all personal medicines.